Become a host

Monetize what you are good at!

Kryoyo is looking for local people who can deliver experiences to travelers who are seeking to discover the true Caribbean. You can offer an experience that fits in the various categories that we have to offer or an experience of your own interests and preferences.
WHY should you join?
Joining Kryoyo as a Local Host has a lot of benefits for you. You will expand your horizons, help develop the economy and tourism industry of your island, create an income source, create meaningful human connections and off course you will have fun doing it!
HOW does it work?
Becoming a local host is very simple... create an account and submit your experience. Once you submit your application, Kryoyo will screen your experience to make sure that it qualifies to our standards. As a host you can have multiple experiences.

Everybody is good at someting... what are YOU good at? Share your passion!